Wednesday, 19 January 2011

The backdrop for my stage set. the moon in all its glory. The moon is white and when the white light shines in on my set it picks out all the natural things in the forest and shows all the naturalness. 
Leaving the dark and intense things to the forest itself. i.e the wolf. 

My final set form all sight angles.
Changed the scene, from day time to night time, this was because i found the night sky fitted in well with the colour scheme rather than yellow light/sunshine. The moonlight is bright and still picks up on white props, yet also is dark, for the night forest. 
I used a simple model of the Margate Theatre Royal from the arch to the back of the stage ( black foam board and card) from the stage arch to the back of the stage, as i felt this was all that was needed to display or show my scenery. all to a 1:25 scale. 

Every thing was kept simple, in ways of shapes, colours and amount. this was due to genre change of Ballet (Nutcracker), Cubism (Geometric shapes, and muted colours.)

Six simple white trees, some slanted for an old forest effect. Trees based on simple Bamboo, with the three layers of trunk and no leaves/ branches.
Flowers, white dotted around. 
Grey floor and pebbled mud path, to show darkness.

Wolf dark grey, to show evil and naughty. (sneaky ideas and tricker)

Red Cap, white all over to show innocence and trustworthy. red Cape, to symbolise who she is, Russian tutu dress, Ballet.

Did not include the basket in the end, could not design anything simple enough that fitted in, and i didn't want it to look odd or spoil things, so removed it.

 Full Model

 From the sight line of seats in the Balcony.

Sight line form the stalls

Sight line from the Boxes. 

Scene Work

With the clay trees added, placed purposely wonky/crooked as trees would be if they had been in the forest for years. Stuck on with all purpose strong glue.

Side view

Six trees to stick to simplicity, just how ballet's are but very dramatic in colour and moods. 

Front view

Grey scatter, to symbol grass and mud.

Test, stuck with PVA glue.

Scatter sprinkled on one side of the path / forest.

Sprinkled on both sides, and clay flowers added, dotted about.
Flowers white, also to show there purity and innocence of nature.

With Characters added. 

Characters: Wolf

1: Wire model constructed the same way as Red Cap. 

2: Wolf once the plasticine had been added and moulded onto him, i found this difficult in keeping with cubism, realistic and geometric shapes but tried my hardest.

3: wolf painted grey with acrylic paints.

4: wolf again, painted with red eyes for evil streak, white belly fur but a cheeky grin. 

final wolf, comical but evil streak coming across within his red eyes. 

Characters: Red cap

1: wire to make red cap base

2: cut wire to 1 metre for use. Then using a pencil wrap the wire around the pencil x3 to give a stiff head shape. then make arms using pliers, again wrap wire around the pencil x4 to make body shape.

3: To make skirt made four loops on left, right, front and back, securing to the main strip of wire, then running wire down to feet making a loop for the ballet slippers.

4: Adding on plasticine carving into the correct shapes to form a body and head. Tried applying the same technique to the tutu but the plasticine was too heavy. Using cardboard cut out a circle a fixed it to her waist to form a tutu base.

5: With a thin layer of plasticine to the tutu.

6: with her cape and hair curls attached.

7: with cape and hair painted using acrylic, these needed two coats for a good thick colour.

Cape painted.

8: finished red cap, with painted knee high socks and ballet slippers ( red). 

Keeping Red Cap with her red cape obviously to symbolise who she is, the white is to symbolises purity and innocence. 

( costume based on the ballet, Nutcracker. )

My pebble path after being sprayed with grey spray paint x2 coats.

This photo was after one spray, gave it an extra coat once first layer was dry for a god thick even covering.
Using colours in my scenery played a big part in moods and effects. They grey resembles the thickness and muddiness of the forest floor,and the darkness of a forest.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Path: using a different piece of black foam board fro my inside stage, where the stage props would sit, drew on a path in the geometric shape of a cone and cut out the foam.

Then using the same clay used for trees made small pebbles to go along the path, sticking them with pva glue. 

Photos on their side